Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011

If I could make it right (a poem)

If I could make it right,

tell you face to face,

I want to show you out,

every feeling that I can’t say,

I would let it go and let you know...

If I could make it right,

I will see into your eyes,

then I will tell you dear,

if I can’t hide this feeling anymore,

I do love you and I want you to know..

But it cannot be right anymore,

you already though that we are just close friend,

so now I can’t tell you everything,

now I just keep all my feelings,

because I don’t want you to go then when I'm really saying:

I love you dear...,

but it's too late for me to confess,

my fault because I am afraid,

I'm so sorry I can't love you well...

July 22th and 23rd, 2011

copyright Jeannita Adisty

Tribute to my friends, thank you for giving me this inspiration, this is for you guys. For everyone, whenever you love someone, tell it to him/her privately and be gentle. Never keep it or hide it hardly until the time makes you realize that you cannot make it right anymore. Love is for sharing in truth, honesty and loyalty :)


"In this life we cannot always do great things. But we can do small things with great love." (Mother Theresa)


When someone asks you "what do you want to do in your life?" mostly we will answer if we want to do many great things. It is not wrong but it can make us forget the most important thing. It is not great things or small things we do in this life, but how do we do everything.

Many persons I know well which never want to do small things. Many persons I know well which always want to do only great things. Many of them who love to do great things but without the same great love. But I also know many persons well who always want to do even the small things with great love, never self-prestige and self-profit (and I thank God for knowing them as well).

It is good when we plan to do great things. Help the earth to be more better than this moment, help to decrease corruption in this country, help to make poor ones healthy and have the better life, etc. Those great things never be wrong. But don't forget, before we do great things, start to do from small things first.

When we want to help this earth to be more better that current situation and decrease the global warming, start from the small things. Stop using plastic or decrease the intention of using. Using renewable energies more than nonrenewable energies. using the friendly technologies for environment more than unfriendly technologies. Start to do efficient use of electricity and clean water. Plant trees. Many small things we can do with great love.

When we want to help in decreasing corruption in this country start from ourselves. Do not cheat on the exam or provide a cheat sheets. Do not commit fraud no matter how small it is but trying to always do right. Obey the rules never break it. No compromise for the wrong things. Then we will see there will be no corruption anymore!

When we want to help the poor ones so they can be more healthy and have a better life, start to do it with small things. Do not be goaded by giving donations to beggars on the roadside, but be wise in giving donations. If they are hungry, feed them with healthy foods. If they have many children who are not attending school, help their children by bring their children to the school and donate for their children's study costs. Slowly but sure we make this world better and decrease the poor living.

So, as what Mother Theresa ever did in her life time, we can do many small things with great love. Start from the small things in great love as the love of God. Star from ourselves. In the next days we will see the better living, the better earth, the better world!

With love,


Copyright Jeannita Adisty,
August 9th, 2011.
Denpasar Bali, from my comfort room pastem 23
also posted in my facebook's note at www.facebook.com/jeadist and my another blog at www.jeadist.blogspot.com


"God knows how much we can handle. So, if you think you're weak, you're not. 'Cause problems are for the strong. Giving up is for the weak." (via The Girl Dictionary)


Sometimes, when we are having a big problem in our life or some small problems inside, we always think for the first that "why should I get this problem? Why not Mr./Mrs. A or Mr./Mrs. B? Why should I?". Then mostly, we will feel if the problem is bigger and bigger 'till we feel so weak to face and fix it. Some of those ones who feel like that already give up, while the rest still have to deal with the problem or almost give up too.

It is not about why we get the problems and not another ones. It is about how we do respond when we are getting a problem, no matter it is big or small. Be strong and never think if "I am weak". When we already think "I am weak" we already gave up. This makes us lose our enthusiasm, die out the fire of the soul, then we are just down and down. We will be so hard for rising up (trust me, I'm trying to rising up right now, and it's not that easy).

If we are still thinking why we get the problems, the only correct answer is because we can handle them well. That is why God lets those problems come into our life. He knew already if we can handle it well. We just give up first to the negative sounds which say if we are weak, we are bad, we are ugly, we are stupid, how pity we are, etc. So, be positive! Remember if words and sounds that we listen can affect us: negative will bring to the negative, so choose to listen only the positive!

Keep positive thinking when we are in problems. Don't look for who made the problem but look what the problem is. Seek until the root and the bottom of the problem. Then believe if we are strong and we can face them all one by one well. The problem is nothing, you can handle it well because God is with you. God is there, He is nowhere but beside you.

Think positive starts with make ourselves calm by come to the peace and joy inside our body in our spirituality or pray to the God and breath slowly as well. Everyone has their own way in making themselves feel peace but it is always in positive way based in spirituality side and always toward to God; or it is always right, good, and positive. Then forgive ourselves first and try to forgive others, specially those who hurt us. After that, we should give thanks to God because He lets us to have the great life-learning.

Instill in ourselves if problems come in purpose to make us stronger and better than before. Do not give up because we are strong. Just believe and be strong. Tell to all problems if we have the biggest One that is The God Almighty. So problems are nothing! We can face them in faith well. Just be strong and choose not to give up. Remember if in every problem there is a good purpose for us.

"There is no such thing as a problem without a Divine gift hidden within it. You have these problems because you need the gifts they carry within. (via God wants you to know)"

With Love,


Denpasar, August 10th, 2011
From my comfort room, Pastem 23
Copyright Jeannita Adisty
also posted at my facebook's note (www.facebook.com/jeadist) and at my another blog (www.jeadist.blogspot.com)


Teganya kau buat ku begini,

menjatuhkanku sampai hancur,

membuatku berkeping-keping,

hidupku, jadi tertawaanmu.

Teganya kau buatku begini,

merusak nama baikku,

membuatku terlihat nista,

hanya karena, kau cemburu…

Teganya kau...,

dirimu menusukku.

Teganya kau...,

dirimu menjatuhkanku...

Denpasar, 10 Agustus 2011

Hak Cipta Jeannita Adisty

catatan : Sebenarnya note ini adl sebuh lagu pendek yg dijadikan pusi, sebuah lagu yg tiba2 keluar setelah saya mengenang dan menangisi teman2 yg berprilaku TEGA, tidak hny pd diri saya tp jg terjadi pd org2 disekeliling saya dgn kasus yg berbeda-beda. Dikhianati kepercayaan oleh orang yg kita sayangi terlebih sahabat sendiri yg sudah kita anggap seperti saudara sangat menyakitkan. Inilah kesakitan yg bisa saya keluarkan lewat tulisan, membuatnya lebih terasa nyaman dan lega di dalam dada. Tp itulah hidup, tidak semua org memilih utk memperlakukan org lain dgn tulus. Tp saya akan terus bgni walau mereka begitu. saya akan tetap sama sperti dulu, tak pernah TEGA. :)

Juga di posting sebelumnya di catatan akun Facebook saya >> http://www.facebook.com/notes/jeannita-adisty/-tega-/10150252301406856

Senin, 18 April 2011

:: Selamat Jalan Pulang Ke Rumah Bapa di Surga ::

Kembali jiwaku berduka,
kehilanganmu meredupkan lentera jiwa,
mematahkan cinta,
menghancurkan mimpi indah,
melemahkan energi raga.

Maafkan aku Tuhan krn bersedih & menangis,
jiwaku tak mampu menahan sakitnya,
benakku tak mampu berpikir saat tak lagi bs melihatnya nanti,
hatiku tak mampu merasa saat tak lagi bs melepaskan rindu ini esok hari.
Aku tahu ia pulang ke rumahMu yg kekal,
ia sekarang bersamaMu dlm kasihMu yg abadi,
disana hanya ada bahagia tnp kesakitan,
dan rohku bersukacita krn ini.

Tp ampunilah jiwaku yg lemah,
yg tak mampu menahan duka kepergiannya,
cintaku utknya seperti terputus,
seperti menghilang tertiup angin yg berhembus.

Biarlah tangisku ini mengalir hingga aku lega,
bkn berarti aku tak percaya ia tlh kembali pdMu,
aku hanya blm sepenuhnya bs menerima kenyataan hari ini,
waktuMu tlah tiba baginya,
tugasnya tlah slesai di bumi ini,
dan ia harus pulang kembali pdMu.
Aku hanya blm bs menerima dgn ketabahan yg kuat,
maka bila blh biarlah air mata ini sbg tanda cinta kasih,
biarlah aku menangis hari ini sepuasnya hingga letih,
biar aku bisa merelakan dia pulang terlebih dahulu,
biar besok aku bs mengenangnya dlm senyumku yg damai,
krn dia adl kekasih & sahabat yg luar biasa,
bagi tiap kami yg mengenalnya dgn baik.

Biarlah tangis ini sbg tanda cinta kasih,
dan tiap tetes yg akan mengering nanti,
bisa ikut membawa sgenap cinta kasih ini pdnya,
dan bila mungkin tetes2 ini menyampaikan pesanku yg blm sempat terucap,
aku mengasihinya sepenuh hati & akan sll mengasihinya.

Sampai jumpa lagi nanti, engkau yg terkasih...,
selepas smua pekerjaanku di bumi ini.
Sampai jumpa lagi nanti saat waktuku tiba utk kembali,
dan sblm wktNya tiba bagiku,
biarlah Tuhan senantiasa menguatkan & memberkati,
krn kematian adl awal dr kehidupan dlm cinta kasihNya yg kekal.

Selamat jalan pulang ke rumah Bapa di Surga, engkau yg terkasih!
Aku mengasihimu!

tribute to our lover, brother, son, grandson & best friend, J.S.
with love, J.

Copyright Jeannita Adisty
April 5th, 2011
Denpasar - Bali, Indonesia

Jumat, 25 Maret 2011

|| Belajar Dari Teladan Yefta ||

Dalam kitab Hakim-hakim 11 sampai pasal 12:1-7 mengisahkan tentang Yefta. Ia adl salah satu hakim yg memerintah atas org Israel. Ia memerintah slm 6thn lamanya.

Pd masa itu org Israel melakukan yg jahat di mata Tuhan dgn berpaling pd para allah lain & meninggalkan Allah. Org Israel kmudian dikuasai org Filistin & bani Amon 18 thn lamanya. Dlm penindasan itu org Israel akhirnya kembali pd Allah dan menjauhkan para allah asing & Allah kembali menolong mereka (Hak.10:6-18).

Dlm masa pemulihan ini lahir seorg pahlawan yg gagah perkasa bg org Israel. Ia bernama Yefta, org Gilead. Tp dlm hidupnya Yefta melewati proses yg mungkin tdk nyaman.

Ayahnya bernama Gilead & ibunya adl seorg perempuan sundal. Pd saat itu juga ayahnya punya anak-anak lelaki dr istri sahnya. Saudara-saudara tiri Yefta ini tdk menyukainya & kemudian mengusirnya keluar dr tanah kelahirannya, rumahnya sendiri. Yefta dianggap aib, anak haram dr perempuan sundal, & tidak pantas mjd saudara mereka.

Yefta pun lari & diam di tanah Tob. Di sana ia berkumpul bsm para petualang. Kemudian bani Amon berperang dgn org Israel. Maka para tetua Gilead menjemputnya dari tanah Tob utk menjadikan dia panglima perang & pemimpin mereka.

Singkat cerita, Yefta mjd pahlawan besar yg dipakai Tuhan utk memimpin org Israel, bhkan saudara-saudaranya yg jahat td. Namun yg patut diteladani, Yefta tdk dendam. Ia tdk membunuh atau membalas perlakuan mereka. Ia tetap memperlakukan saudara-saudaranya dgn layak, benar & baik, & menyerahkan semua perkara kpd Tuhan.

Seperti Yefta, kita tdk pernah bisa memilih siapa yg akan jd org tua kita. Tuhan memang menempatkannya mjd anak Gilead dr hasil hubungan dgn perempuan sundal. Memang ayah & ibunya berbuat dosa. Tp Yefta tetap ciptaan & karunia Tuhan. Ia tetap berharga bg Tuhan, sama berharganya spt kita.

Org tua kita bisa saja salah & punya masa lalu tdk baik. Keluarga kita bisa sj terkenal jahat, broken home, buruk, dll. Org-org lain boleh sj menilai kita jelek krn latar belakang keluarga. Tp Tuhan tdk memandang itu.

Manusia bisa saja menilai manusia lainnya jelek hanya karena latar belakang keluarga. Tp saat kita hidup di dalam kebenaran Tuhan maka hanya Tuhan yg berhak menilai kita. Tuhan bhkan memakai org-org yg direndahkan & dijelekkan jauh lebih hebat dari mereka yg merasa dirinya lebih benar, lebih baik, atau lebih kudus.

Mari meneladani Yefta yg tdk putus asa & rendah diri. Walau ia ditolak, dihina, dimusuhi, dibenci, & diusir saudara-saudaranya sendiri. Ia tetap hidup dlm semangat & rendah hati. Bhkan ia tdk membalas sedikitpun pd saudara-saudaranya.

Jd jgn merasa buruk & tidak berguna. Kita masing-masing diciptakan baik utk tujuan Tuhan. Tuhan yg menentukan siapa kita krn Ia yg menciptakan kita.

Tuhan yg akan memilih siapa yg akan dipakaiNya. Seperti Ia memilih Yefta & berbicara melalui Yefta, memakai Yefta luar biasa utk karyaNya bagi org Israel, menjadikan Yefta pahlawan gagah berani & pemimpin Israel, Dia jg mau memakai kita. Ya, Tuhan mau memakai Anda & saya.

Tuhan menciptakan Anda & saya utk tujuan baik, utk menjadi rekan kerja Allah di bumi. Ia mau kita menjadi penyalur kasihNya bagi dunia. Apakah kita mau dipakaiNya utk menyatakan kemuliaan & mengerjakan kehendakNya?

Yg terutama, selalu berserah pd kehendak & pimpinanNya dgn kerendahan hati, seperti teladan Yefta. Buang jauh-jauh pikiran & perasaan kalau kita buruk, jelek, tdk berharga, tdk berguna, dan hal-hal negatif lainnya. Ingatlah bhwa kita berharga bg Tuhan & Ia amat mengasihi kita.

Ia selalu ingin membantu kita asal kita bertobat & hidup dlm kebenaranNya. "Dan mereka (org Israel) menjauhkan para allah asing dari tengah-tengah mereka, lalu mereka beribadah kpd TUHAN. Maka TUHAN tdk dpt lagi menahan hatiNya melihat kesukaran mereka." (Hak.10:16). Krn Tuhan begitu mengasihi kita, Ia tdk akan tahan melihat kesukaran & penderitaan kita. Jd, serahkan semua dlm tangan pengasihan Tuhan & biarkan Ia berkarya melalui kita.

Selamat bertumbuh di dalam Kristus!

copyright jeannita adisty
Denpasar, 19 Maret 2011

Let Me

Let me hold you,
'cause I know I can hold you,
as you never let me go,
'till the end of time...

Let me love you
'cause I know I can love you,
as the way you are,
and you are worth to be loved by me..

Let me live with you,
'cause I know I can stay with you,
as long as the sun still shines whether it's hard or easy,
everytime with you is wonderful...

Let me grow old with you,
'cause I know life must be amazing,
eventhough we can guarantee nothing,
we can face it all when we grow together in love...

copyright Jeannita Adisty
Denpasar, March 16th, 2011